Community Partnership

Heart Month
Date: February 23rd 2017
Time: 7pm
In Partnership with: The Cleveland Clinic
1. Cardiovascular Disease prevention in patients with Type -2 Diabetes
The role of oral anti-diabetic medications-Dr. Omala Ablack
2. Cardio-Renal Syndrome- Dr. Frederick Smith
3. Management of Chronic Heart Failure and reducing admissions- Dr. David Wolinskly
Beneficiaries/ Attendants:
BSAC Doctors and Staff
Members of the medical field; nurses, doctors
Private practitioners
Diabetic patients
Entire community
Impact to the medical community:
To educate persons not only in the medical field but also patients
Improving outcomes for people with Diabetes
Time: 7pm
- The Ins and Outs of Diabetes Hospital Management- Dr. Omala Ablack
- Foot care in people with diabetes – Dr. Monique Mitchell
- Diabetes and limb salvage: Avoiding infection, gangrene and amputation – Dr. Delton Farquharson
Beneficiaries/ Attendants:
- Medical Community
- Diabetic patients/ Caregivers
Impact to the medical community:
- Education
- Awareness
Impact to the country:
- Awareness

Bahamas Surgical Associates Center- Free blood pressure and Glucose Screening
Date: June 27th – 29th 2017 from 9am-12pm
Short description:
Screening on patients and the public
Beneficiaries/ Attendants:
- The public
Impact to the medical community:
- Education
- Awareness

Support for Hurricane Joaquin
Date: October 5th 2015
Short description:
BSAC donated supplies & clothing to Acklins after the passing of hurricane Joaquin.
Beneficiaries/ Attendants:
- Residents of Acklins